That Would Be “General Booger” To You.

Well I passed the 3rd element exam on Saturday. I now officially have a general class amateur radio license. Just call me KC1BGR/AG “General Booger”. I am slowly setting up my radio equipment. There is still too much snow to get up on the roof to put up an antenna, and the ground is still frozen, so I can’t put up the HF antenna. For now it’s the 2 meter J Pole across the table. Maybe I can find a beam to tie the antenna to until the weather is better. If I leave it on the table, I fear demon kitty is going to be cooked medium rare as he likes to leap on and chew the antenna randomly while I am using the radio.
In true zombie apocalypse style, my radio is mounted in a “go kit” a small compact mini rack case made by Iportable ( The case is light and rugged, but too small to hold a battery or accessories. I am leaning toward building a second case to hold my meters, rigrunner, and batteries. When the apocalypse comes, I’ll be ready to bug out. A go kit in each hand, my survival pack, and demon kitty across my back.

Where did I leave my iodine tablets…

♫ Another Year older and Deeper in Debt ♫

So, another birthday has come and passed. Time flies when you’re having fun. With the start of another year comes a new hobby and new source of debt. So many goodies and gadgets. The spending possibilities are endless. I have come to the conclusion that my true hobby is collecting hobbies. Over the years, I have collected stamps, and coins. I have been (and still are) a writer, amateur astronomer, archer, ham radio operator, fisherman, hunter, meteorite collector, longbow maker, re-enactor,  woodworker, moped dealer, pet shop owner, bee keeper, painter, metal sculptor, computer nerd, photographer, and duck herder to name a few. Enough adventures for several life times. Some memories are from so long ago, it feels more like a past life.

There is an unexplainable sense of adventure collecting hobbies. You can never have too many, just not enough time to go around. For 2014, my next hobby is going to be no hobby, so I can find enough time to go through my current collection and pay off the prior ones. Perhaps I’ll even find time to play a tune on the old reed organ (restoring reed organs, yup, another hobby) and play with my demon kitty.

Cheers to birthdays past, and those to come… and debt eternal…

By lostbowyer